Futuro WILL en ingles – Leccion clase gratis future tense

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Summary: Aprender Ingles en INTERNET- LECCION 36 GRAMMAR curso PRE INTERMEDIO - Future with WILL - Futuro willWELCOMEClase CON AUDIO (hacer click en ICONO de PLAY)In this post we are going to present grammar lesson 36 of the preintermediate level. Today we are learning how to use WILL. We are going to learn the structure and then the USES of the future tense with will.Before we start, remember that every time we learn a new tense or grammar structure it is important to learn the syntax but more important is to learn the uses. It is important to know how our structures can help us communicate better. Future with WILL - Futuro WILL Structure and syntaxThe structure of WILL is quite simple. There is only one conjugation and we always use the verb in the infinitive form. Positive form  Subject + [WILL + Infinitive verb] + ComplementExamples:- Tom will never get married.- She will pay you next week.- I will love you forever Negative form  Subject + [WILL NOT (WON'T)+ Infinitive verb] + ComplementExamples:- It won't rain today- Seth and Tom won't come to class today.- I won't be late anymore. Question form  Question Word + [WILL + Subject + Infinitive verb] + ComplementExamples:- What will you study?- Will Maria live in Spain?- How long will Mark stay in Peru? Let's look at the following table: FUTURO WILLComo vemos la estructura es bastante simple. Siempre usamos WILL y de allí el verbo siempre va en la forma infinitiva sin conjugación.Examples:- Maria will never change. She is very stubborn.- Don't worry. It won't rain today. You don't need to take your raincoat.- Will Mr. Goldbert be the next president?WILL  - USES: We use the structure WILL in the following situations:INSTANT or spontaneous  DECISIONS PROMISES PREDICTIONS INSTANT OFFERSEl truco de aprender la forma WILL no es tanto es como formar la estructura sino en usarlo en las situaciones correctas. Quiero que vean a la estructura WILL no solo como el tiempo FUTURO ya que eso no les va a servir de mucho sino en saber que usamos WILL para: tomar decisiones, expresar promesas, predicciones, y ofrecer algo. EXAMPLES:- We don't have any beer left. Don't worry. I'll buy some (INSTANT DECISIONS).- Can you lend me some money? I'll pay you back next month (PROMISES)- The Peruvian football team will go to the next world cup (PREDICTIONS)- (You see an old lady lifting a heavy bag) I'll help you (INSTANT OFFERS) ONLINE EXERCISES: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/will_future_statements.htmhttp://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/futwil1.htm