Mar. 2014 Week 4 Headlines from the Dunker Bunker [Podcast w/ guest Napoleon Dynamite]

The Confessing Baptist » The Confessing Baptist Podcast Feed show

Summary: Watch on YouTube : or Subscribe to the podcast via RSS, iTunes, Stitcher, or by Email - Headlines: NEWS: - Redeemer Radio: Reformed & Confessional [1689] Talk Radio [Jeff Massey + Guest] - Journal of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies (Vol. 1) out now! BLOG-O-SPHERE: - The Rise and Development of the English Baptists [Graham Beynon] - Interview #46 – Jeff Johnson – The Kingdom of God: A Baptist Expression of Covenant & Biblical Theology - Lady 1689′rs Unite! [Blog Roundup] Let us know you’re out there - Reflections on the Calvinism Debate in the SBC [Tom Ascol] - James Renihan on Richard Baxter’s Doctrine of Justification [Audio & Video] - “God’s Lion in London: Spurgeon & the Challenge of the Modern Age” Mohler [Video] (see comments for “Easter egg”) - Worshipping the Incomprehensible God [Dolezal] - Free E-Book[s] Friday: from Hercules Collins’ Reading List - More on the new Calvinism: Jeremy Walker & John Piper’s assessments compared - God Hates Phelps? [Nicolas Alford] FROM THE BAPTI-BOT: - When the Times on the Thames were A-Changin - CCF [Credo Covenant Fellowship]  Episode Seven: The Ecclesiastical Benefits of Creeds and Confessions - More UPDATE: - Be on the lookout for some upcoming book giveaways!