The art and science of giving and receiving feedback

be intrepid. show

Summary: [Reading via email? CLICK HERE to LISTEN NOW!] It's not everyday you can have a casual chat with two Harvard Law professors... But that's just what I did today with Sheila Heen and Douglas Stone, co-authors of the best-selling book Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well. Feedback. Do you realize how important feedback is? A majority of us aren't very good at giving it, and honestly, most of us are really bad at receiving it. And I'm just talking about myself.... Enjoy today's scintillating conversation! Discussion topics from today's show: 1. Managers aren't the only ones who need to learn about this feedback thing. 2. What is the bigger problem? How feedback is GIVEN? Or how it is RECEIVED? And where is their more opportunity for impact? 3. Why do we take the same advice from different people differently? Why does that happen? And what do we do about it? 4. What are the three critical feedback triggers? 5. Are we hard-wired to not take feedback well? 6. If you aren't good at taking feedback, is this problem fixable? 7. What are the real business applications of feedback? Both giving and taking? 8. How does your ability to give and take feedback impact your ability as a salesman, your ability to close deals? Can it help? 9. Don't ask for generic feedback. It is too vague, and not helpful. Instead, ask for "one thing!" 10. Is there an appropriate time to ignore feedback? 11. How is social and digital media media impacting this whole idea around feedback? 12. Who does social/digital media benefit more....the giver or taker of feedback? 13. When one hears feedback, you either take it as coaching or judgement. Which are you? 14. Why do we stink at self-learning? Is part of the answer that we take all feedback as judgment? 15. Both Sheila and Doug share some key steps on how to take feedback better and improve your personal and business life... 16. A big piece of this is lowering your own anxiety and reactiveness to feedback...even if from your own Mother-in-law.... 17. For the record: Taking feedback well is a key predictor of successful, stable marriages... 18. Doug share the more surprising discovery from the book's research... To learn more about all things Heen + Stone, CLICK HERE! This includes a worksheet on how to improve the giving and taking of feedback in your organization! To pick up a copy of this wicked cool book, click below (affiliate link): ### To hear from other intrepid souls like Sheila Heen and Douglas Stone, please SUBSCRIBE to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 109.