Episode 238: Exploring Matt LaCoco’s Concept of Allowance

The Traders Podcast with Rob Booker show

Summary: In Episode 238, your host Rob Booker explores Matt LaCoco's concept of allowance. But this conversation is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Rob would actually like to hear more from Matt on this topic. So, tell Matt LaCoco that you'd like to hear his thoughts on allowance on Twitter here: @MattLaCoco Be sure to ask him to write an essay on his blog about allowance. Rob also talks about ideas circling around ingratitude and being discontent with the state of what you have (or what you don't have). Rob asks whether constant improvement is a myth, and he suggests that an over-emphasis on improvement can lead to a lot of unhappiness. We talk about the problems of interfering and getting in the way of what's already working sufficiently. And this episode touches on the ideas of contentment, complacency, ambition and innovation. Don't miss it! Thanks for listening. Other links for this episode: Call and leave us a voice mail: (801) 382-8789 Rob on Twitter: @RobBooker The Traders Podcast on Twitter: @TradersPodcast TFL365.com E-mail us! Producer@TradersPodcast.com Trader Interviews.com