SR: Under The Skin; Cezanne; W1A new comedy; 15 Mar 14

Saturday Review show

Summary: Under The Skin is the new film from Jonathan "Sexy Beast" Glazer. Starring Scarlett Johansson, it's the story of an alien on earth and her encounters with humans. Cezanne at The Ashmolean in Oxford - a selection from the collection of Henry Pearlman. W1A is the follow up comedy to the Olympic-themed sitcom Twenty Twelve, set in the Corporation's HQ: New Broadcasting House. Urinetown is the uninvitingly named new musical set in a town where one man controls the public lavatories and his attempt to quell the opposition who want to "pee for free". And "Arguably the most successful author in China today", Mai Jia has sold more than 5 million copies. We look at his latest novel - Decoded - which deals with cryptographers in a top secret government department.