Línea Abierta : Covering young immigrants.

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Summary: Covering young immigrants. In California, unlike most states, tens of thousands of young, DACA-recipient immigrants are eligible for Medi-Cal, the safety net for the poor. Still, not many seek these services out of fear of deportation or other barriers to enrolling. In response, a California legislator is spearheading a bill to expand health coverage to all, including the undocumented. Guests: California State Senator Ricardo Lara, 33rd SD, Sacramento, CA, www.sd33.senate.ca.gov ; Imelda Plascencia, Co-author, “Undocumented and uninsured”, UCLA Center for Labor Research, Los Angeles, CA, www.labor.ucla.edu ; Gelasio Rodríguez, 21-year-old immigrant, student, California State University Fresno, Fresno, CA.