GYG-066 Preparing a New Garden Bed

Growing Your Grub Podcast show

Summary: In the last episode couple of episodes we spoke quite a bit about Seed Starting, Seed Racks, lighting, etc. I received a couple of requests over the past week or so to discuss starting a new Garden bed; site choice, preparation, etc. So this week I want to talk about the steps that will help improve your chances of a great organic vegetable garden your first time. Later, I also want to discuss a little about two tools that will help make that preparation easier, and save you money and your soil by not needing or using a tiller. GYG is on Stitcher! I'ld like to remind everyone that Growing Hour Grub is now also carried on Stitcher.  A free app for your ipad, smartphone, etc that allows you to listen to your favorite podcasts and many radio stations without synching.  All you need is an internet connection.  We have a link to them on the right side of the page.  I really love this service. GowVeg.Com Garden Planning Also, remember to check out  A neat site that makes child's play out of planning your new gardens.  It helps plan your shape, what plants can safely fit in the area you have entered, and even prints out planting guides (reports) afterwords to help you know when to get your plants started. Meetup in June? In case anyone is interested, I am planning on a Meetup in the Northern California Area, either somewhere in San Francisco or Sacramento.  If anyone is interested, please let me know as I want to make it as convenient as possible.  I would love to meet everyone I can, face to face, instead of over the microphone for a change. And since I will be living in California at that time, I thought it would be a good kick-off.  Right now I am looking at sometime in Mid to late June  Any Takers?   New Garden Preparation At the request of several new listeners/new gardeners, I wanted to talk this week about preparing a new organic garden and what's the best way to do it. If this were late Fall, I would suggest a Lasagna Gardening Method, but for the sake of discussion, let's say we either forgot, or just now decided we Broadfork from Valley Oak Tool Company wanted to have the garden.  Where do I start?  De discuss these on the podcast in greater detail. Locate the Bed Test Your Soil Double Dig  - (John Jeavons.  BroadForks, etc) Amend Water Plant and Maintain Keep a Log and a good Perspective