GYG-073 Tomato Basics

Growing Your Grub Podcast show

Summary: Recent Organic News: This week I learned that citizens of Vermont are close to getting a Bill passed to require Labeling of GMO products, including those using GMO's in their production. However, even though the large majority of the citizens want it, and most of the committeemen are in favor, it appears to be stalled in committee and will not be brought to the floor for a vote. Why? Monsanto has threatened to sue if the labeling requirement is passed. Read the Details here: Tomato Basics Discussed this Week: Hybrids vs Open Pollinated & Heirlooms Determinate Indeterminate Stakes Cages  - Gardeners Supply Tomato Ladders – nice but pricey Trellis Planting My Gardening Library A while back I found a book called "What's Wrong with My Plant?" by David Deardorff & Kathryn Wadsworth.  While it was an excellent book, it covered a lot of ground and I was primarily interested in Vegetable plants. Recently, Timber Press released their new book called "What's Wrong with My Vegetable Garden?" by the same authors. While the first half of the book is mostly tips on how to raise various garden vegetables, the second half alone is well worth the price. In the second half, They discuss symptoms, Diagnosis, and Solutions for most garden vegetable plants, complete with photos.  I wish the photos were larger, but they are big enough to help you identify a particular problem.  The section is divided by plant type, so you can home in on the problems for your particular plant and not spend time hunting for problems with asparagus when what you are looking for is a problem for your Sweet Potatoes.