Episode 222 How to Sell a Few MORE Homes in 2014! TenMinuteSkill

The Red Pill Investor show

Summary: In this TenMinuteSkill, we talk about a few tips to add a few extra deals to your business! If you begin to adapt these principles and mindsets to your business then you will definitely see an increase in your sales, your closings, as well as contracts signed! You are definitely going to want to invest Ten Minutes of your time to sharpen your skills. Included in this "info packed" episode is the following!Why Joe Schmuckatelli is better than most practictioners (Prospecting Effect)Why Suzie Q is better than Joe Schmuckatelli on presentations (Momentum Effect)Why the 7 Day Rule is so hard to work withWhy if you don't do this ONE thing RIGHT NOW, TODAY, could cost you your dreams. Because Your Competitor wont wait to do it!Why Drama Queens hate Real Estate.How Practice makes you awesomeAll this and much much more CRAMMED in Ten Minutes!