Cliches that will mess you up - Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction  show

Summary: There are many cliches that are part of the fabric of our thinking that will mess up your ability to make more money and get rich.  The Law of Attraction works by the magnetic energy of likes attracting likes.  Therefore if you think in terms of poverty, you will attract poverty.  These common sayings have been taken as gospel by people who otherwise have postive thoughts.  These sayings are trapped in the mind and attract the oppisite of what you want and need.  They are called, " counter intentions." Robert Zink M.B.A. is known as the Mentor of Light, the Miracle Mentor. Robert attacks some of these common sayings and shares with you new and powerful thoughts.  Erase some of these common sayings from your mind and see you income begin to skyrocket.   Get your information on the Law of Attraction here first.  Many LOA guru's listen to Robert's podcast because of his deep knowledge of ancient teachings mixed with modern day knowledge.  They listen and then re-package his teachings.  Now you can become your own Law of Attraction guru and begin receiving incredible miracles in your life.