SB 019 | Dan John on ‘Intervention’

Rdella Training : Bridging The Gaps In Strength Training, Peak Performance and Injury Prevention show

Summary: This episode features a very candid and exclusive interview with renowned Strength Coach, the one and only, Dan John. If you don't know who Dan is, get ready for a world class education in strengthening and conditioning. And, if you do know about Dan, then get ready to absorb more knowledge, as you already know how much insight and value he provides every single time he speaks. Brilliance, insight, and full transparency. He's also one of the most humble and down to earth people you'll ever meet. Dan writes for many top fitness websites and also for top magazines.  He is recognized as a leader, expert, and top tier coach in the strengthening and conditioning industry. The topic of discussion in this interview are some of the 'pearls of wisdom' from his great books, "Never Let Go," and "Easy Strength" (which is co-written with Pavel Tsatsouline). You'll also hear and learn about his brand new book titled "Intervention." To subscribe to the Podcast, click here. Here's some of what you'll learn in this episode: The hidden benefit of the Bird Dog exercise How to instantly improve your kettlebell swing What exactly is "Easy Strength" Is doing an exercise everyday beneficial What are the 4 quadrants and where does your training fit The truth about injury and recovery Can you really put on muscle mass with kettlebells The most simple hypertrophy program you can do with kettlebells The big 5 lifts The 5 principles of Intervention that can revolutionize your training Dan's take on the best kettlebell exercise (not what you think) The #1 thing for fat loss (again, not what you think) And, much more... Take time, listen, and think about how all of this applies to your own training. I challenge you to discover what you can do differently and improve on with this information.  Enjoy! SHOW NOTES: To find Coach Dan John online, his website is The books we discussed were Never Let Go and Easy Strength by Pavel Tsatsouline and Dan John, which I highly recommend. Both books are loaded with tremendous content and programming. These aren't "light" reads by any means, but are very valuable resources if you want to elevate your training and always learn and improve. If you enjoyed the episode, take just a minute and post a quick review in iTunes!  That would be greatly appreciated. To post a review, click here. And, please share this...