Our new podcast show: Reformed Baptist Book Review hosted by Pascal Denault [#1 w/ Barcellos]

The Confessing Baptist » The Confessing Baptist Podcast Feed show

Summary: Pascal Denault has done a book review video before, but now is going to be making this a habit. Better yet, we are going to be making it another subset of our podcast feed (currently we have our weekly Tuesday interviews & Saturday headlines shows). Pascal Denault is going to have other Reformed Baptist pastors come and review books with him (especially but not exclusively new books). There is no set schedule for these so these will show up in our feed whenever he gets around to recording new episodes. Enough talk; here is episode one! In this episode, streamed live on Mar 4, 2014, Richard Barcellos and Pascal Denault review: 2:10 - Gospel of John (Andreas J. Kostenberger) 7:50 - Strange Fire (John MacArthur) During this part he brings up our following podcast episodes: Sam Waldron & Michael Brown DEBATE “Have NT Charismatic Gifts Ceased?” Sam Waldron – Gifts Debate Follow-up [1 of 2] Sam Waldron – Gifts Debate Follow-up [2 of 2] Other books brought up: Final Word by O. Palmer Robertson Prophecy Today: A Further Word from God? by Jim Thompson 22:15 - Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (Beale & Carson) 31:55 - What Is the Mission of the Church? (Kevin DeYoung & Greg Gilbert) Video: Audio:  Subscribe to the podcast in a RSS reader, iTunes, Stitcher or by Email.