Land O'Lakers: Pau's complaints, Swaggy P's future, the NFL N-Word penalty and Harold Ramis | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything  show

Summary: Only 24 games left this season. We promise. No give backs. The show can be heard by clicking on the module, and a list of talking points is below. Among the highlights: * We take a look at the latest headlines. Jason Collins jerseys are in huge demand ( Ray Felton is arrested on gun charges, the latest incident in a disastrous Knicks season. The NBA is considering a bigger court and a four-point line. Our thoughts? * After Tuesday's loss to the Pacers, Pau Gasol issued public complaints ( the team's style of play and an overall lack of discipline. Clearly he and Mike D'Antoni have well-documented issues and will never see eye-to-eye, but are these gripes more than just a player venting against his coach? Is MDA failing to keep his players, particularly young newbies Kent Bazemore and MarShon Brooks, in line? * It's looking more and more like Kobe Bryant could actually miss the rest of this season. The implications between now and April are obviously pretty trivial, but how does Kobe's health complicate the offseason moves? In the meantime, are even the die-hard Kobe fans beginning to see him as more mortal? * We introduce a brand new segment called, "Should The Lakers Bring This Guy Back Next Year?" In which we ask, "Should the Lakers bring this guy back next year?" Reasonable money and contract length assumed, of course. First up, Nick Young, who has  a player option for next season he's widely expected not to opt. Does Swaggy P play a role in this team's future, and will his relationship with the rather fetching rapper Iggy Azalea ( hinder the chances of retaining him? * The NFL is expected to institute a new rule penalizing players for on-field use of the N-Word. Is this a good idea? How prevalent, in our experience, is the word in the NBA workplace? Would the Association ever consider following the NFL's lead? * It's time for AAK!!! Would we rather attend our favorite band's final concert, or our favorite team's Game 7 with a title on the line? I share the very weird details of my worst date. And finally, we talk about our favorite movies from the recently departed Harold Ramis.