Maria Konnikova: How to think like Sherlock Holmes

Advice Goddess Radio: Amy Alkon show

Summary: Amy Alkon's Advice Goddess Radio: "Nerd Your Way To A Better Life!" with the best brains in science. This should be a fascinating show on the difference between seeing and actually observing, and many of the other habits and practices of Sherlock Holmes.  Science writer and psychologist Dr. Maria Konnikova draws on 21st century neuroscience and psychology to show how we can employ Holmes’ thought processes to unlock our own capacities for ever-present mindfulness, astute observation, and logical deduction in order to see more, live more rationally, and, in turn live smarter.  Her book we’ll be discussing tonight: Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes Join me and all my fascinating guests every Sunday, 7-8 p.m. Pacific Time, 10-11 p.m. Eastern Time, at or subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher. My show's sponsor is now Get a free audiobook download and support this show financially at no cost to you by signing up for a free 30-day trial at (It's $14.95 after 30 days, but you can cancel before then and have it cost you nothing.) Please buy my science-based but funny book about why people are rude and how to change things, I SEE RUDE PEOPLE: One woman's battle to beat some manners into impolite society