Search Engine Optimization Using The Long Tail, The Ultradian Rhythm For Productivity And The One Thing Startups Should Focus On

Entrepreneurs Journey Podcast By Yaro show

Summary: Welcome to the first episode of Everything Entrepreneurship with Walter and Yaro for 2014. This is episode #13, which felt a bit like a new years hangover episode. [ Download MP3 | iTunes | Soundcloud | Raw RSS ] We recorded this podcast at 10:30PM local time Monday night, after Walter had his first full day at the Startmate Incubator in Sydney. You will hear how that went and what the setup at Startmate is like during this podcast. I also talk about my first project for this year, a beginners guide to traffic for bloggers, which leads us into an interesting discussion about the Long Tail and how it is so relevant for SEO today. We also talk about these topics during the podcast - The only thing startups should focus on from day one How much pressure is Walter on to perform in the incubator and how they are measuring success What content is going into my new guide on blog traffic How bloggers can make use of the Long Tail to get traffic from search engines And yes, we talk about the weather too! You can read more about the Long Tail here. I hope 2014 has started with a bang for you and your business. If you need a little help to guide you this year, why not leave us a question we can answer during the show? Just write a comment reply to this post or even better, email your audio question in MP3 format to and we will play it live during the episode. Happy listening! Yaro and Walter