Episode 64: Logical EA Operational Platform Part 1

Critical Enterprise Architecture netcast show

Summary: This is not really as much on OS as nowadays we are working on visualised environments, so for the core Server and Client platform this more about the CPU choice. So there is a difference between client and servers. Our first question will be if the applications you want to run are more on the imperative or the declarative side, why I will explain. Then we will visit the scalability, interoperability and the security considerations. Do your company have a strategic preference and who does this influence your decision as an enterprise architect? On desktop this usually leans to Windows (or maybe OS X). But on servers it is open for a bit more. Why are the training issues on OS sometimes overrated. Do you use or want to use Virtualization and is it on Intel or Power ? On Intel is it VMWare, Xen, MS own or something else? But not enough on OS lets look in a first sweep what else are the EA trends in the entire platform area?