F2FHQ 079 – Jef Fry of Health Nuts Anonymous

Fat2Fit HQ Podcast | Average Guys and Girls Losing Weight, Fat 2 Fit show

Summary: Have a question about the latest trends in ancestral health and wellness?  Well, you're in luck!  Jef Fry of Health Nuts Anonymous is with us this week!  If he doesn't have the answer, he knows exactly where to find it. Welcome to the Fat2FitHQ podcast. We are your hosts, Jef Fry of Health Nuts Anonymous and Carol Salva, of the Firearms Radio Network. In this podcast we are chronicling our journeys from Fat to Fit. We talk about pursuing a healthier lifestyle not only in diet, but in all areas of life. Unedited Video of this week's show: Tip of the Week: Avocado tip from Jenny Challand. Jenny tells us to a few things about avocados that you may or may not know. She tells us to pick an avocado that has slight give and isn't completely green. To cut it: Slice it down to pit, all the way around vertically. Pop out the pit, score the inside into 'cubes' then dependent on how ripe the avocado is you can scoop it out wit h a spoon or just slightly squeeze the sides towards each other and the 'fruit' will pop right out TOPIC: Jef Fry of Health Nuts Anonymous contact:  Jef.fry@live.com follow on Twitter:   @jeremyjeffry   Exercise frequency, intensity and duration Carb Back-loading and Carb Nite GLUT 4/12 Translocation Carbs and Paleo Insulin hacking Counting calories (when and to what degree?) Cold thermogenesis Toxins and coffee/chocolate Useful links we mention: Paleo FX Conference April 2014: Mark’s Daily Apple www.airbnb.com **ITUNES reviews** Careful what you wish for. We got a “so-so” review from DonnaRae. She only gave us 3 stars. Donna writes; I’m not 100% crazy about this podcast but I’ll try a couple more before deciding about subscribing. Seems to be a lot of personal opinion and chatter rather than facts and helpful info. OUCH Donna Rae! No, seriously, thank you for the constructive review. We don’t claim to be experts so it is a tricky thing. We don’t want to give advice but I bet we can do more to give at least facts about what is working for us or working for other folks. And we have started incorporating a listener tip so maybe that will be helpful to you. Mostly, this show is a long chronicle of our journeys. Ours and those of our listeners. It is meant to be entertaining but also motivating. So folks know they are not alone. We do, however have some great informative shows in our history where we’ve brought on guests that can actually give you some great advice. Here are a few to check out. Thank you again for the honest feedback! - Carol http://www.fat2fithq.com/048 Jonathan Bailor, author of The Calorie Myth http://www.fat2fithq.com/044 Dr. Collin Champ aka The Caveman Doctor http://www.fat2fithq.com/029 Abel James, The Fat Burning Man Show http://www.fat2fithq.com/025 Dean Dwyer, author of Make Shift Happen http://www.fat2fithq.com/014 Jimmy Moore, Livin La Vida Low Carb http://www.fat2fithq.com/012 Roger Dikerman of Relentless Fitness From the Community: Angela Lastname (Angela from Canada) Yeah, yeah, I’m back. LOL Do you know if it's possible to set MFP to only record your exercise (and not dock you 2000 calories for not entering food?) I know on a podcast you said Zeke (maybe?) was only recording exercise? I only ask because I'm doing this crazy elimination diet and not super interested in logging my food all the time (I'm writing it in my day planner, along with other key items I'm self examining). I really look forward to seeing how the Calorie Myth method of working out goes! Thanks again for all your awesomeness, encouragement and keeping us all accountable in staying with the podcast. I really appreciate all your hard work! Angela Thank you Angela!  I'm still so tickled to have you back in the fold!  :)  I wish I knew the answer to this.  I don't.  I did read it on air so we can appeal to all the MFP folks we have out there to see if there is anyone doing the same thing with the site.  I applaud you and your elimination diet.