TUTT: 1 Year Anniversary Show!

Tracks Up the Tree show

Summary: IT'S... The One Year Anniversary Show! So, drop your coat off at the door, pick up some orderves, grab a cocktail, and get out your party favors. I would stay away from the cheap champagne though! It might be our most unorganized show yet, with loads of banter, LOTS of cursing, great songs, and an occasional flashback to the early days of podcasting. We invite you all to come with us now, back to memory lane. Played on Today’s Show - Mincemeeat by Danger Dooom - Missing Peices by Voxtrot - The Ghost mary and her Friend by Pet Politics - New Thing by Walking Concert - George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People - Roll On by the Twin Atlas - Electric by Pete and the Pirates Here come the links, I love me some links: - We're in SPIN! Pick it up if you don't believe us! - Liz Phair is a cookey mom slut - Busey or Nolte? the game sweeping the nation - JoeCartoon.com - Little Britain add it to your Netflix que