Land O'Lakers: Bizarre wins, Steve Nash's return, Pau Gasol in limbo, 50 Shades of Sasha | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything  show

Summary: Steve Blake, Steve Nash, Jordan Farmar are back. Jodie Meeks and Nick Young are now out. The names on the injury list may change, but by and large, everything else remains the same, including a largely uninterrupted string of losses. Wish we had better news to report, but these podcasts are unfortunately based on true stories. The show can be heard by clicking on the module, and a list of talking points are below. Among the highlights: * A look at some headlines. Joakim Noah gets fined 15K for F-Bombing three referees. Can Magic Johnson, along with some fellow wealthy cohorts, save the Sparks as the new owners ( And speaking of Earvin, he's gone from criticizing the Lakers' front office to offering his services as a recruiter. What effect will Andrew Bynum's presence have with the Pacers on and (especially) off the court? The Pelicans' arena has a new name, and it's equally yummy and league-approved. * Wednesday's win over the Cavs was, on so many levels, unforgettably strange, and probably cost Cleveland's now ex-G.M. Chris Grant his job ( (On a related note, Mike Brown did his friend and former boss precious few favors that night.) * Along with Steve Blake and Jordan Farmar, Steve Nash has returned to action. But unlike his fellow point guards, Canada's Favorite Son has stirred some angry feelings among Laker fans by stepping back onto the court. Is this justified? * Pau Gasol, forever on the block, has been most recently linked to the Phoenix Suns in another deal where the Lakers want more in return than just financial relief. Considering Gasol is currently/perpetually injured, 33-years old, and a potential rental, how much leverage do they really have in demanding a first round pick? Is the franchise playing with fire when it comes to their quest to move El Spaniard? * AAK!!! If you had to choose between the worlds presented by "28 Days Later," "World War Z," and "The Walking Dead," which is the most preferable zombie atmosphere? And speaking of "The Walking Dead," what are we most looking forward to in anticipation of Sunday's season premiere? And which erotic novel would we pick Sasha Vujacic to record as an audio book? (You read that last one right.)