Words from Nerds 235: Cameras

Words from Nerds – Same3Guys show

Summary: Summary: We get into a discussion about photography and cameras this week. Mike wants to pursue his interest in photography and would like to use his upcoming vacation as a learning opportunity. We'll discuss different sets of requirements and try to address the myriad options of camera equipment available. You don't have to break your budget to get started. But a little good advice can go a long way towards saving you from making costly mistakes when buying gear or capturing those precious moments.   Hosts: Tom Kresic, John Kresic, Mike Kresic Running Time: 44:17   Featured Story: Taking photography to the next level We get into a discussion about photography. When you want to learn about taking better shots or understanding the differences between portrait photography versus shooting landscapes, what do you need to help you get to that next level? It’s important to have a solid understanding of what you want to be able to do with it first. Just like any tech that you are considering to buy, know your requirements first. A great stove doesn’t turn you into a great chef, so it’s unreasonable to expect a professional DSLR camera will turn you into a pro, right? Cameras and their accessories can cost a lot of money. Are there cheaper ways to get into this hobby without breaking your budget? What’s really important when it comes to apertures, ISO and lenses? You don’t have to buy new, either. There are sites like Adorama and B&H Photo that sell used camera gear if you are interested. We got our Niece started on an older, but still great Canon Rebel XT last year. She loves it. This won’t break your budget and it will support other lenses so it leaves you room to grow. Mike was considering the newer version of this camera. Here is a compelling camera that lets you swap out lenses. Check out this Samsung NX300 that shoots 20.3 megapixels. Or consider this Canon PowerShot S120 point-and-shoot that has an amazing F1.2 aperture and will also let you save picture in RAW format as well as JPEG. That’s important if you plan to do any editing in Adobe LightRoom later. The possibiities are endless. But there are lots of options that can fit any budget.