1 Netflix Queue. 1 Year. 1 Man. 1 Snappy Headline.

Proudly Resents: The cult movie podcast show

Summary: 1 year to watch his entire Netflix queue - that's(http://vermin.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/04/19/bucky_smiles.jpg) 500 films, writer, (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=bucky+sinister&x=0&y=0) performer (http://darkroomsf.com/#business), bouncer Bucky Sinister (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=bucky+sinister&x=0&y=0)was up for the challenge. Did he make it? What was his favorite and what was his least? What about dating? I don't know - just listen already.  Comedian Mike Spiegelman (http://www.luggagetuesdays.com/) joins in the conversation. Mike's much younger brother Adam Spiegelman hosts. Much, much younger. We recorded at the  "Dark Room Theater" (http://darkroomsf.com )in San Francisco. Check out the shows there and their "Bad Movie Night" every Sunday. Bucky is a great writer and performer. Check out his work. And if you are in a program fill your God size hole with his books. Or if you are really a fan, go to the club where he works and get into a fight so he has to throw you out and you can tell him what a fan you are as he tosses you out the door. Ok, I'm watching the "Apprentice" so I don't know what else I need to say.  Leave a comment, subscribe, spade your dogs and cats, etc. We tried something new this week, what do you think of it? You have other movie related people to talk to? email me. reachadam@mac.com. Please don't email me late at night all drunk and handsy.