Pamela Wolfberg- Progress Report

Autism BR show

Summary: As the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta Georgia places autism incidence in the United States at 1%, anecdotal evidence places the number much higher. As the general population begins to come to grips with the alarming growth in autism prevalence, different strategies are being tested to educate the public on how to work with children with autism and also how to help these children develop. A year ago, Pamela Wolfberg of San Francisco State University was on the Autism Briefing Room and shared with us the news that Autism Speaks had awarded her the 2008 Research Award for Clinical Research for a project using Wolfberg’s Integrated Play Groups™ (IPG) model. That research started first at Fairmont School, San Francisco and later at Grattan School, San Francisco, where it is now in its second semester. Pamela connected up with me via Skype video to update me on the exciting progress of the program at Grattan School and around the world.