Línea Abierta : Breaking Digital Barriers.

Linea Abierta - English Description - Show in Spanish show

Summary: Breaking Digital Barriers. The Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is visiting the San Francisco Bay Area to hear from the public about the need for high-speed Internet access. Part of the FCC’s mission is to expand access to broadband Internet, which can provide great economic opportunities for Latinos and other communities. Currently, only about half of Latinos have broadband at home compared to 74 per cent of white Americans. This program focuses on initiatives and steps that the federal government is considering to ensure that every corner of the country can use affordable, high-speed internet. Guests: Catalina Sandoval, Commissioner, California Public Utilities Commission, Sacramento, CA, www.cpuc.ca.gov ; Alex Nogales, President and CEO, National Hispanic Media Coalition, Los Angeles, CA, www.nhmc.org ; Steven Renderos, National Organizer, Center for media Justice, Oakland, CA, www.centerformediajustice.org