[Interview] Adam Leitman Bailey, Real Estate Attorney, Founder, Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C., Author

Miller Samuel Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants » Podcasts show

Summary: I interview the always intense Adam Leitman Bailey, the eponymous founder of the real estate law practice that specializes in real estate. He's involved in two high profile cases at the moment, representing the developer of the proposed mosque and cultural center near Ground Zero in a lawsuit and the recent decision in favor of his clients in the case against the sponsor of a luxury condominium building on the Upper East Side who must return a $510,000 buyer’s deposit.  Adam also touches on a another case involving new development known as Sykes v. RFD Third Avenue Associates LLC. We talk Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act of 1968, how it was interpreted in the Related Co case and what it means to the new development market going forward. Adam has written a guide for first-time home buyers through the purchase process: Finding the Uncommon Deal: A Top New York Lawyer Explains How to Buy a Home for the Lowest Possible Price, that is scheduled for release by John Wiley & Sons in April 2011. [iframe http://thehousinghelix.com/embed/embed-generate.php?media=http://thehousinghelix.com.s3.amazonaws.com/thehousinghelix/files/2010/10/2010.10.13-The-Housing-Helix-Podcast-Adam-Leitman-Bailey-Real-Estate-Attorney-Founder-Adam-Leitman-Bailey-P.C.-Author.m4a&entry-url=http://thehousinghelix.blogs.millersamuel.com/2010/10/13/interview-adam-leitman-bailey-real-estate-attorney-founder-adam-leitman-bailey-p-c-author 320 175]