[Press Call] Steve Berkowitz CEO, Sue Stewart SVP, Move, Inc. Realtor.com, Move.com, MortgageMatch.com

Miller Samuel Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants » Podcasts show

Summary: In a first for this podcast series, I have included a press call on a new product release.  While I participate in media calls fairly regularly for my Matrix blog, I have never recorded one. I spoke with Steve Berkowitz, CEO of Move, Inc., a publicly traded company, that counts Realtor.com and Move.com as two of their assets, on the launch of MortgageMatch.com today.  It's a new web site designed to help home buyers and those looking to refinance, find and prequalify for a mortgage in as little as 10 minutes.  Sue Stewart, SVP who is overseeing MortgageMatch.com, provided the details of the services the site provides. I've often said that the terms of the transaction (including financing) are as critical as pricing in today's tight credit environment.  They say they are focused on improving transparency in the real estate transaction and are also helping consumers and realtors to be more efficient by better defining expectations. Press Release [pdf] [iframe http://thehousinghelix.com/embed/embed-generate.php?media=http://thehousinghelix.com.s3.amazonaws.com/thehousinghelix/files/2010/12/2010.12.01-The-Housing-Helix-Podcast-Steve-Berkowitz-CEO-Sue-Stewart-SVP-Move-Inc.-Realtor.com-Move.com-MortgageMatch.com_.m4a&entry-url=ttp://thehousinghelix.blogs.millersamuel.com/2010/12/01/press-call-steve-berkowitz-ceo-sue-stewart-svp-move-inc-realtor-com-move-com-mortgagematch-com 320 175]