[Interview] Jonathan D. Miller, Miller Ryan LLC, Author, Emerging Trends in Real Estate

Miller Samuel Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants » Podcasts show

Summary: I got to interview my namesake, Jonathan Miller who is the longtime author of the seminal publication Emerging Trends in Real Estate, the Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) annual commercial real estate industry forecast and speaks extensively on suburban and urban issues. Our real estate lives have intersected for years.  For example, I would get complimented for a presentation at the Waldorf Hotel (although he gave the speech) while he would get inquiries about the NYC co-op condo market (which I track). He is the co-founder of Miller Ryan LLC, a firm that provides strategic marketing communications counsel to the financial services and real estate industries.  He also writes over at GlobeSt.com on his Trend Czar blog. [iframe http://thehousinghelix.com/embed/embed-generate.php?media=http://thehousinghelix.com.s3.amazonaws.com/thehousinghelix/files/2010/12/2010.12.23-The-Housing-Helix-Podcast-Jonathan-D.-Miller-Miller-Ryan-LLC-Author-Emerging-Trends-in-Real-Estate.m4a&entry-url=http://thehousinghelix.blogs.millersamuel.com/2010/12/26/interview-jonathan 320 175]