Tenable Network Security Podcast - Episode 194

Tenable Network Security Podcast show

Summary: Discussion & Highlighted Plugins Common Sense Security Monitoring - I really have a lot of faith in this concept, largely because it makes sense in the real world in addition to the digital world. For example, you become accustomed to the happenings in your neighborhood. People tend to be creatures of habit, they leave for work around the same time, walk their dogs around the same time of day/night, lights go on and off at fairly regular times, etc… When someone breaks the mold a bit, you tend to notice (at least I do) and it sends up a red flag and I pay closer attention to the behavior (a car driving around with its lights off at 11pm, when that's not supposed to happen until at least 4AM when my neighbor up the street leaves for work and doesn't want to blind the neighborhood with his headlights). Some new PVS rules will allow you to accomplish the same thing, and flag on behavior such as SSH traffic not on port 22. The NSA Saga Continues - Recent develops have furthered discussions on how NSA spying impacts corporations business processes. Should we be paranoid that someone is watching? How safe are our corporate secrets if the NSA has a backdoor in our security products? Do you, like several others, boycott RSA as it has been reported that the NSA maintained backdoors in their products?