The Confidence Podcast Archives - Trish Blackwell show

Summary:  <br> <br>  <br> YOUR BEST IS NOT BEHIND YOU<br> EPISODE #39<br>  <br> "Don't be stuck in what was because you will miss out on what is." (Steven Furtick) ...Your best is not behind you, so learn how to LET GO and CELEBRATE THE PRESENT and what is to come.  You have greatness ahead.<br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> Focus One:  Let go.<br> <br> Let go of the past wounds. You are not defined by what has happened to you.  You are molded by your experiences, yes, but it's up to you to allow them to keep you stuck or not.  "You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events - how we interpret them- apes who we are today and who we'll become tomorrow.  Beliefs are what make the difference between a lifetime of joyous contribution and one of misery and devastation." -Tony Robbins<br> Let go of trying to be who everyone else wants you to be and give yourself permission to just be yourself<br> Let go of proving something.  You don't have to prove anything to anyone, because that goes against knowing that you are enough just how you are.<br> Let go of thinking you've reached your peak in the past, that you can't get a good life back.  Remember that we think so small, you have no idea just how good life can be!<br> <br>  <br> Focus Two: Look ahead.<br>  <br> <br> Realize that there are two ways to live: (1). abundantly and joyously or (2). stagnantly or in quiet desperation.  I've said this before as either living in love or in fear.   We are always moving towards one agent or the other, there's no balancing in the middle.   Merely understanding that you have a choice in the matter is the first step to freedom.<br> Choose which dichotomy you will chase.  What type of living do you want to define your life by?  Will you choose to stop letting life happen to you and to instead happen in life?<br> Envision your future happiness and the joy of living. (I do this by creating yearly goals / generational goal...at 77 I will run a marathon, at 88 I will ride an elephant, etc).<br> Set your intentions  /  Attitude is everything in life.  / It's the things no one sees that produces the results everyone wants (Craig Groeschel) <br> <br>  <br> Reflections:<br> Have you let go of the past?<br> <br> Do you really believe that the best is yet to come?<br> <br> What can you do to get engage your focus in all of the greatness to come as you age?<br> <br> Which do you choose to chase: fear or love?<br> <br> ShowNotes:<br> <br> The next session of Breakout has launched and boy is it going to be great! If you missed out this time, stay tuned, the next session will open soon.<br> If you are looking for more coaching from me, I am taking on 2 new one-on-one clients.  This is an application based process and I am only considering people with an intense desire to make major changes in their lives.<br> My first CD series is out --- a real live product! Order your copy at www.trishblackwell.com/unstuck!<br> If you are new to my community and you haven't yet received your free gifts from me, be sure to go "like" my Facebook page to get your copy of "The 7 Secrets of Very Confident People"<br> and opt-in to my email list for your free 10-Day Video Coaching series from me about transforming yourself "from the inside out"<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> DO YOU WANT SOMETHING FREE? YEP. I THINK YOU DESERVE IT. <br> I am giving away one of my own running plan for anyone wanting to run a 5k, 10K, or marathon. I even have another option for my non-runners out there: a WALKING half marathon plan. Each plan typically sells for $50, so this is a steal of a deal! All you have to do is write a review in Amazon for one of my books or in iTunes for my show or app. You can select one program per review that you...