LOTRO Reporter – 2013 Prediction Show

LOTRO Reporter Podcast show

Summary: Chris, Layanor and Cari are all epic with predictions. We'll let you listen to find out if we're bad or good in an epic way. Listen now: Predictions for 2013 Cari's Predictions War goats in mounted combat in Rohan Rohirrim style cosmetics and hair styles will be made available in the store for purchase. PvMP will get some love in the next expansion with a tie in to Helm's Deep. Another instrument will be added. Perhaps a violin type. The Instance finder will be cross server. There will be a store option to purchase summonable pets ala the style of the Avarc in Bree. Some kind of clickable summonable thing. Chris Predictions: War-Steeds will get tons of emotes through the store Continued release schedule: Updates every three month and expansion in Late Summer/Early Fall Helms-Deep! Spring 2013 This year will see the addition of one more class with the expansion. Heavy Hobbit tie in post update 9. For F’s sake, I just want my damn Ent Play! Layanor Predictions: The new expansion will be announced in April and will be the Wilderlands. This will include north mirkwood and new areas such as dale, and a explorable lonely mountain instance cluster. West Rohan will be an add on area and Helms deep will be a single 12 man raid. Much like the great river area. This will come out around July. The second hobbit movie is December 2013. So I am going to guess a flashback raid with Smaug. They have already with Durins bane The classes feel like they are just being rehashed over and over again. Even the revamps feel stale a few days after. There will be a new dwarf only class or elf only class. Everyone wants a housing revamp. And Turbine has said it is too big of a job to do it. So they will leave the old areas open as is. And open a new instance for higher level players. Houses in Moria, Lothlorien, Rohan, and Enedwaith will open up. Legendary items will get a update. Not a major one, just a UI update, such as a legacy tree of some sort to make the system make more sense from thee casual player. Predictions for 2014 Cari's Predictions The Path’s of the Dead will be part of an instance pack We'll get a new festival There will finally be a new hobby - golf We'll finally, finally get a new class We won’t be getting much in the way of cosmetics until they figure out how to handle the inventory issue. They will break apart the Rift. Layanor's Predictions Moria instances will get scaled Our first step into Gondor will be sesion play No new 12 man instances Trollshaws revamp PVMP Map revamp Revamping or adding in new Bounties Chris Predictions The housing revamp will not be very exciting and players will be thoroughly underwhelmed. We will see more expansion within the already available land mass. No new zone (even mini-zone ala Great River) will be added to the game. At least one festival will get a total revamp. New hobby - Horseshoes ENT PLAY! Contact Information: Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com Twitter: @lotroreporter Facebook: LOTRO Reporter Voicemail: 616-666-6778 or the widget on the right side of the screen when you visit the site. YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork www.lotroreporter.com www.twitch.tv/mmoreporter