Episode 462: Interview With Ryan Phillips, Owner Of PrepperGardens.com(12-14-2013)…

Poor Man Prepper show

Summary: Episode 462:  Interview With Ryan Phillips, Owner Of PrepperGardens.com(12-14-2013) Show Summary: On today's podcast, I'm joined with Ryan Phillips from PrepperGardens.com.  Ryan's company offers agricultural products geared towards preppers that have a variety of uses, including concealment, medicinal, wildlife attraction and substantial food sources.  Tons of great information for anyone with a green thumb, or the novice who aspires to have their own prepper garden one day. Show Notes/Topics And Links: Introduction Ryan's background in agriculture(2:45 mins) The reason why Ryan is involved in preparedness(3:35 mins) PrepperGardens.com Fruit and nut trees - a sustainable food source that can feed families every year (5:15 mins) Medicinal plants - Ryan discusses medicinal plants and the benefits of having such plants in a prepper's garden, an example of such a medicinal plant is the dogwood tree(9:40 mins) Growing for the novice planter - advice for people who have no experience with gardening(12:50 mins) The ordering and planting process - how to place an order with PrepperGardens, planting seasons, shipping(19:10 mins) Plants for concealment - bamboo is an example of a plant that can help to conceal your property away from prying eyes(22:20 mins) Wildlife Attraction - types of plants that wildlife love, especially deer and game birds - plants that offer year round attraction(25:25 mins) More thoughts on Bamboo - additional uses, including weapons - very hardy plant and easy to establish - great plant to grow for beginners(27:30 mins) Plants that can be grown indoors - aloe vera is a great plant that can be grown indoors, aloe vera has tremendous range of various uses(30:30 mins) Final Thoughts Grapes and berries - blueberries are easy to grow and cost effective when compared to store prices, blueberries produce food quickly(33:45 mins) Blog and newsletter(40:10 mins) Links Website:  PrepperGarden.com Twitter:  @PrepperGardens Facebook:  Prepper Gardens On Facebook Later, Lat Cozad poormanprepper.com latcozad@poormanprepper.com Forum Is Now Open - Poor Man Prepper Forum My podcast can be found on iTunes, Bluybrry.com, and Stitcher Radio.  Also, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.  And don't forget to drop by my website and become a member of my email mailing list.