Debt Free and Walking in the Light, Dec 29, 2013

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - Romans 13:1-14 - we will never be free of the debt of love - to walk in love is to walk in the light - Psalm 119:105 - Paul says we are to walk in light, we are to put off: 1. Komos - translated revelry - late night carousing, partying 2. Methe - translated drunkenness, intoxication 3. Koite - the idea behind the word for lewdness is "the desire for a forbidden bed." It dexcribes the person who sets no value on sexual purity and fidelity 4. Aselgiea - lust has the idea of a man who is lost to shame. They no longer care what people think and flaunt their sin openly, even proudly. 5. Eris - translated strife: contention, wrangling 6. Zelos - translated envy: excitement of mind, fervor of spirit, the fierceness of indignation, punitive zeal an envious and contentious rivalry, jealousy - jealousy is: "standing at the bottom o fthe mountain saying it is not fair that you are at the top" - envy: "says not only is it not fair you are at the top of the mountain since I cannot be then you are not going to be either."