Land O'Lakers: Kobe Bryant out again, Nick Young: Folk hero, best on-screen deaths | Web Site of Andy and Brian Kamenetzky | The Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, and Anything  show

Summary: Kobe Bryant has again gone down with an injury. What do the Lakers do now? The Kamenetzky Brothers break that -- and more -- down in their latest podcast. Among the high points: * A swing around the league's top stories, including a major injury to Brook Lopez of the Nets, big news for Dwyane Wade, and accusations of basketball espionage. * Kobe is injured. Again. How does this impact the Lakers in the near and long terms? * Nick Young is now a folk hero in L.A.. Who saw that coming? * Kendall Marshall is the newest Laker. Any chance he pans out? * AAK! In this edition of Ask a Kamenetzky, Andy and Brian talk about bad social media habits, the best on-screen movie deaths, and whether politics belong in our sports.