Beyond Our Ability, Guest Speaker Lee Burns, Dec 15, 2013

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - God can call you out on what man created - Matt. 14:25-33 1. take courage - take it because it's not in you, fear is - it's when you step into incertainty that you grow in faith 2. step forward - we have to take one small step at a time - what is it that Jesus is calling you to step out and step into? - even when Peter took his eyes off Jesus, Jesus never took His eyes off of Peter 3. stay focused - your going to have moments in your walk where you begin to sink a little but you can cry out to Jesus and immediately He'll pull you up and get you back on to what it is He's called you to do - it's amazing how God will use you if you allow Him - God uses our storms as His path to reach us, and if we cry out to Him, He'll be there