Línea Abierta : Mexico Edition.

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Summary: Mexico Edition. In procedural sessions, without debate and protected by metal fences, lawmakers from the PRI and PAN parties imposed reforms that will allow foreign companies to extract Mexican oil, register it as theirs and protect their commercial rights in foreign courts. Opposition lawmakers described them as traitors, while outside Congress, citizens beat the iron fences with stones and hammers, rejecting the measure. President Peña Nieto celebrates the adoption of this reform. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this program Voz Pública from Mexico City. Guests (Recordings): Senators: Francisco Méndez Servien, (PAN); Carlos Puente Salas, (PVE); Manuel Bartlett Díaz (PT); Senator, Salvador Vega Casillas (PAN); Manuel Camacho Solís (PRD) y ciudadano Salomón Valdés Estrada.