The Power of Illusion in Relationships with Maya Vidhyadharan

Pandora's Box with Kaleah show

Summary: Maya is devoted to releasing all fears and living in truth 100%. She lived 29 years in the hamster wheel of life, righteously blaming the world for all her suffering. Epiphany struck at age 30 when she was led to wonderful spiritual teachers and was firmly asked to look deep within. Change simply happened due to her determination to release all limiting thoughts and actions. "Through my darkest shadows, I discovered love. Love blooms when we embrace this illusion, our shadows, which earlier prevented the divine knowing and love from taking residence within. It is a love that loves without any neediness or acceptance. A love that does not care about any personal loss and moves fearlessly with a higher purpose." Maya's self discovery led to the powerful book "The Power of Illusion". The Power of Illusion is a loving guide to help release fears and self sabotaging actions.