A Grateful Life, Part 2, Dec 8, 2013

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - if there is one sin that is most prevalent today, it's the sin of ingratitude - gratitude is a spirit of thankfulness, of praise, of appreciation - attitude - is a settled way or pattern of thinking - servanthood and entitlement are both attitudes - 1 Thess. 5:14-19, Phil. 4:4-9 - gratitude is possibly the greatest of all attitudes - when you are grounded in gratitude, it affects positively all your other attitudes - gratitude puts your focus on what you have - not on what you don't have - regret stops the flow of gratitude - cultivate thankfulness (Col. 3:12-17) - a grateful/thankful heart must be cultivated - steps to cultivate a grateful attitude: 1. fight familiarity - it causes leaks in the gratitude bucket 2. remember what you have - never let the things you want keep you from forgetting what you have 3. fill your conversations with words of gratitude - lead your feelinds with your words, many negative feelings are based in lies - Ps. 50:23, Matt. 16:26