PaleoJay podcast #59 Add an Avocado a Day, to the Smoothie from Paleo Jay! A response to Thomas Hobbes… Also, add a good Paleo FIRE, and bond with an Animal!! And hey- beans aren’t THAT BAD!!

PALEO JAY Smoothie Cafe show

Summary: OK, I am really sold on the idea of ketogenic diets, meaning eat a high fat, low carb diet as a prescription for curing a LOT of problems. If you have an auto-immune disease, meaning a disease where your body is attacking itself, like celiac disease (intolerance to gluten- which is just about ALL of us!), irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, arthritis, and EVERY disease that ends with ITIS- a ketogenic diet will really help all of these, and more!!There are so many problems with our current, modern, processed Western diet that I can’t even start: So, let’s just start over, shall we?? Reboot yourself!If you don’t want to have a “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short life” , to quote Thomas Hobbes, a 17th century philosopher of sorts who was a monarchist- he wanted us all to live under monarchies!- we were supposed, (according to Thomas Hobbes) to succumb to authority... and live in civilization.“Au Contraire! “ says the Wisconsin Philosoper PaleoJay. The solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short life that he was talking about was actually what was available to the average civilized person of Hobbe’s own era, which was 17th century Britain! Hunter Gatherers, barbarians, and Paleo folks actually lived vital, long lives on average, once you took newborn mortality out of the equation...Child mortality was VERY high in the old days- BUT, if you survived birthing, you would probably live 70-100 years, and in a very healthy state, barring death by wounds, animals eating you, or accidents. Nowadays, however, modern people live solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short lives, shortened by Diabesity: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and all the other “itis” diseases of civilization- All caused by our modern, processed, poor, nasty, brutish diet!!What to do??Well, for long time readers and listeners to PaleoJay’s Smoothie Cafe-Just sidle up to a stool at the Cafe- and ORDER A TALL, COOL, PALEO SMOOTHIE!That will take care of most of your modern ills... really! That and eliminating grains, sugar and processed foods from your diet! I know, it sounds crazy simple, but it really is that easy!! AND- there has been a HUGE change to the Paleo Smoothie:ADD IN AN AVOCADO!!Go ahead, read my recipe for the Paleo Smoothie at, or on my ebooks Paleo Quick Start and Perfectly Paleo Exercise... and then just add in:One AVOCADO, PEELED!Put that in your Vitamix and blend it!The thing is; you want a LOT of good, healthy FAT in your diet- you really, really do! It is the key to being Ketogenic, which means triggering your body to burn FAT as fuel, rather than sugars and carbs...Coconut milk and oil are GREAT- Avocado is the missing ingredient!But Jay- how do I use an avocado in the Paleo Smoothie??Good question, Mr. Hobbes: Just cut the avocado lengthwise. Take out the giant pit (the avocado is actually a FRUIT, Mr. Hobbes, just like YOU, you dummy!)-Then, scoop out the insides with a spoon, and drop into your waiting Vitamix!!That Vitamix will turn the veggies, avocado, raw pastured eggs, kefir, spices, berries, and everything else you have put into it into a nectar of the Gods:The fount of life, if you will: ALL THE NUTRITION YOU CAN HANDLE, AND THAT WILL INSURE MAXIMUM HEALTH, WELLNESS, AND FITNESS!!They say to never overpromise, and I assure you: I am not!More FAT will make you LESS fat! YES!! It’s all too true...Drink a Paleo Smoothie like this, each day- and you will be satisfied, healthy, and loaded with nutrients that your body has been craving forever!Enough on that, Thomas Hobbes! I have another point or two for you:You know, beans ain’t that bad! AND, go sit by a fire, and bond with an animal!Yes, it’s true: the Paleo Canon has dictated that BEANS, aka LEGUMES are EVIL...But, it turns out that, properly prepared, they are NOT. They’re not that great, but they are also... not that BAD.