Transformation, Pastor Curt Vignery, Dec 1, 2013

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - Ez. 37:1-3 1. Transformation begins at the end - the life God has for you cannot and will not compete with the life you want to live. One has to die for the other to truly live. - do you want true change in your life? - John 5:1-9 - the pool is the only method to healing the man knows about - God's never going to force His change on you - Jesus is not only your guide to transformation but He is also your source to transformation - it's a continual transformation - God sees your transformation before you do - Rom. 12:1-2 NLT - change the way you look at things 2. Transformation activateds through action - can you do it? - the calling of God is the enabling of God - when God says to do something, you now have the power to do it - no matter how many times before you've tried and failed in your own strength - God's not setting you up to fail, He's setting you up to succeed - Ez. 37:4-8 - you've got to boldly speak God's promises into your life - God invites you into your transformation process - you and I get to be in on our transformation process - take up your mat, becase you're not going back to the way things were before - God is not going to force the change on you, you can limit how far God takes you - "I know who I amd and I know what I believe" Will Smith 3. Transformation is a process (Ez. 37:9-14) - take your eyes off of your imperfection and on to Jesus 4. Transformation is continual (2 Cor. 3:18)