Apocalypse Themes in the Movies and Television

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Summary: Tony conducts a brief review of several movies and TV shows that depict a post apocalypse America with Kenny & Shiloh Jezek; who are starring in their own upcoming apocalyptic movie Jack Phoenix.  Together they review the Revolution & Colony TV shows and The Village, The Postman, 2012, The Road, The Book of Eli, Red Dawn, Red Dawn 2012, I Am Legend and Mad Max movies pointing out which elements seem credible (Postman) and which seem ridiculous (2012).  They also review some upcoming movies, Behold A Pale Horse and Grey State, and of course Jack Phoenix.  Listeners are encouraged to order Behold A Pale Horse at www.beholdapalehorse.tv and to view the trailer for Grey State at www.greystatemovie.com.  Grey State, currently in trailer only form, is about what many believe America will look like in a few years with an out of control government imposing a police state, martial law and squashing of our remaining constitutional rights as they eliminate dissention, all in the name of providing the illusion of safety. Guests:  Kenny & Shiloh Jezek, lead actors in the upcoming movie “Jack Phoenix” Visit Preparedness Radio