Episode 169 Chicken Myths and Misconceptions

The Self-Sufficient Gardener show

Summary: Today I tackle some myths and misconceptions about raising chickens.  (http://theselfsufficientgardener.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/P1070672-300x168.jpg) Whether you raise them for meat, eggs or simply as pets I'm sure you hear some of these misconceptions repeated to you as fact: * Feeding layers eggshells will absolutely result in cannabilizing of eggs. * You have to have a rooster if you want good egg production. * Keeping chickens will give you bird flu. * Confining chickens is inhumane. * Chickens are vegetarians. * Brown eggs taste better/are more nutritious. * You should give your chickens run of the garden. * Hens lay all the time. (http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/473059_327567493959746_108695475846950_828443_1728670136_o.jpg) * Chickens are stupid. * Chickens are dirty. Learn where these myths come from and learn the reasons why they simply aren't true (well all the time anyways).