Episode 172 Advanced Rabbit Topics with Rick Worden from Rise and Shine Rabbitry

The Self-Sufficient Gardener show

Summary: Today we are lucky enough to welcome back to the show Rick Worden from Rise and Shine Rabbitry (http://riseandshinerabbitrydotcom.wordpress.com/). (http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/308493_277407715626271_183653358335041_873000_1194492177_n.jpg) Last time we discussed the basics of raising rabbits.  Today Rick tackles some questions about advanced topics for the more experienced rabbit breeder.  Including: Breeding questions * Features to look for to enhance with a breeding program. * When do you make the decision to cull?  What brings on that decision? * How does linebreeding work to enhance breeding stock and quantity? * How do you tell if the doe is bred prior to the hair pulling? * If you are not sure your doe is bred or not, is it safe to rebreed? * The effects of temperature, daylight, daylength on breeding? * If I have the doe bred and then I repeat too soon can I cause miscarriages?  Food questions *  The list of foods that are safe/moderate and unsafe is immense.  Is there a general rule?  For instance – high sugar foods are moderate.  Grasses are generally safe? * Which garden grown food do you feel gives the most bang for the buck? Baby questions * When the babies are born what steps should the rabbit breeder take? * Is a 20% mortality rate is expected.  What can be done to lessen that?  Health Questions * Some more details about disease and what can be done with sanitation to prevent disease.