The Generous Life, Nov 17, 2013, Pastor Susan O'Reilly

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - God wants to bless us so we can bless others, God wants all of us to be generous givers - 1 Tim. 6:18 Message - God wants us to live extravagantly generous lives - "Do something for someone that can't do anything for you" John Bunyan - Prov. 11:25 - the good samaritan parable - Luke 10:25-37 - God's love isn't restricted by boundaries of people groups - we are called to love, no matter what - 3 marks of a generous life 1. he had pity or compassion - love that looks beyond itself is a mark of compassion 2. he took time with him (v. 34) - time is the largest commodity we possess - more important than money; what are you spending your time on? Prov. 11:24 3. this gentleman used his time, talents and his treasure - he went over and above to care for this stranger - "when you get giving right, everything e3lse will fall into place" Billy Graham - freely give, freely receive - benefits of generosity (2 Cor. 8:8) 1. favor of God (Ps. 112:5, Deut 15:10-11) 2. real prosperity will come to those who are generous (Prov. 22:9) 3. legacy of impact - what we do today can go into the future - what we do with what's in our hands makes a difference