Diana Daffner: Intimacy Retreats


Summary: Remember the intensity of locking eyes across a crowded room? Diana Daffner and her husband Richard do, and they believe that this “simultaneous energy exchange” is how couples deepen their connection to each other. This purposeful invitation to intimacy (“into-me-see”) is at the heart of their workshops which they call “Intimacy Retreats”. Their program is the result of their mid-career shift in focus. Richard was a successful business man; Diana was a technology writer. They wanted to be able to work together; and live in community by the water with the opportunity to enjoy beautiful sunsets on a regular basis. They added an additional requirement: that the livelihood they were creating should build upon, and strengthen, their deep and enduring connection as a couple. Diana’s background includes a black belt in the gentle martial art of ai-ki-do, which translates as "the Way of unifying (with) life energy" or as "the Way of harmonious spirit. She used this to develop “Tantra Tai Chi, a slow dance of movement and awareness that give couples an opportunity to renew their connection, and recharge their emotional batteries. Henry David Thoreau wrote, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” Diana and Richard Daffner built the foundations beneath their vision. You can learn more about her experience, be inspired, and find ideas, resources and insights to help you navigate your personal career path. Richard and Diana Daffner offer Intimacy Retreats as adventure vacations for couples ready to deepen their connection. http://www.intimacyretreats.com/DaffnerBio.htm