Episode 113 – 2013 Holiday Movie Preview

Reality Check with Craig Price show

Summary: Alan Cerny (<a href="http://twitter.com/nordlingAICN">@nordlingAICN </a>on twitter) and host <a title="Craig Price – The Host" href="http://realitycheck.therealistsguide.com/craig-price/">Craig Price</a> give their annual holiday movie preview. With the holidays approaching, we're all looking for ways to spend hours with family, yet not have to talk to them. Take them to the movies!  The two cover their anticipated movies as well as identify traditional December Oscar Bait!   Movies include:  Frozen OldBoy Inside Llewyn Davis The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug American Hustle Saving Mr. Banks Her Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues 47 Ronin The Secret Life of Walter Mitty The Wolf of Wall Street Enjoy the upcoming movie season and have a happy Thanksgiving!