Enough of Consumer Christianity, Nov 10, 2013

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - Luke 13:6-9 - this parable refers to the peopole not producing any fruit - now is the time to get right with God becauxe we don't know how much time we have left - consumerism, in the business sense, is a concept based on customer satisfaction however God rules in Biblical Christianity - not the customer - Biblical Christianity is sold out to the rule of God - Biblical Christianity encompasses all that is necessary for man-kind to know and do in order to be reconciled to Him, to please Him daily, and to live with Him for all eternity - consumerism is about consuming but not producing - consumerism is about the deceitful and self-serving heart of man (Gen. 3:1-6) - consumerism is about wanting all the benefits and blessing without any of the responsibility - in consumer christianity it is about convience and not sacrifice (Matt. 10:38) - in consumer christianity there is no towel ministry (John 13 - Jesus picked up a towel) - we need to make ourselves useful - in consumer christianity the motto is the "consumer is king" not "Jesus is King" (Luke 6:46, 1 Cor. 6:19) - in consumer christianity the question is not "Lord, where do you want me", but rather, "here is what I want, do you have it?"