Finding the Olympian in You

mollanderson show

Summary: The London Olympics have officially begun and there is no better time to find motivation to get in shape! Watching these über fit athletes put me in a healthy mood and I’m excited to say that getting fit can be fun. During this week's show--Kyle Clark, to be seen on the Sept/Oct cover of Reps magazine, gave us a little sneak preview of what to expect in his feature. Olympic athlete, Samantha Clayton, also knows a little something about keeping fit! After gaining 72 lbs while pregnant with triplets, Clayton got her body back to peak fitness and is now the lead fitness instructor for the Herbalife DVD set. Kelly Killorean Bensimon, model, Real Housewife and author of I Can Make You Hot, shares all kinds of hot tips including all the absurd methods supermodels use to get rail thin. Moll gives  her top picks, song and recipes for the week!  If you have a question for Moll, email her at and please join next week on XM Channel 168 at 2pm Pacific /5pm Eastern. Follow her on twitter @mollanderson, at and at