Got Fired/Laid Off? What Should You Do First.

No B.S. Job Search Advice Radio show

Summary: One of the unfortunate lessons many of us learned is that when times become tough, no one's job is safe. When you're called into your boss's office and are fired or laid off, you should have a plan in place before you walk out of their door. Job hunting doesn't have to be so hard.  The fact is that the skills needed to find work are different than the skills needed to do the work you do. No B. S. Job Search Advice Radio will provide you with exactly that . . . No B.S. job search advice to help you find your next job faster. Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been helping people find work by recruiting, providing great information and coaching without any BS for more than 40 years. He is a LIvePerson job hunting expert. You can receive a complimentary subscription to No B. S. Job Search Advice Ezine (a $499 value) at www.Jeff  While you're there, explore the great content and job search tools to help you find work.