015 – George Grant on Fits, Starts, and ‘Ragged Schools’

Gospel Neighboring show

Summary: About George In almost 40 years of ministry, George Grant has started a lot of things. Somehow or other he has also managed to finish a few of them.  Currently, he is the pastor of Parish Presbyterian Church in Franklin, Tennessee, where he also serves as the director of the King's Meadow Study Center and teaches at the Franklin Classical School and New College Franklin. He has planted five churches, established a fistful of schools and coops along with two colleges, accumulated a bottom drawer full of academic degrees, and is the author of enough out-of-print books to keep half the garage sales in the South fully stocked. But, by his own testimony his greatest accomplishment is his ongoing role as husband of one, father of three, and grandfather of four (and counting). What is Gospel Neighboring We conjure up images of the Good Samaritan or the Micah Mandate as we pursue missional living as we are a blessing to our community. Gospel neighboring relates to the historical parish model of ministry where the local church is the fountainhead of blessing for the whole neighborhood, not just churchgoers. George's Favorite Gospel Neighboring Quote "If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing badly." - G.K. Chesterton Tough Lessons Learned in Gospel Neighboring We need to make sure that how we want to serve people is what people are yearning to be served with. Give everything a short season of life. We're in the process of learning how to do this, and there is nothing wrong with learning. We've got to learn how to laugh and stop taking ourselves so seriously. More Lessons on Gospel Neighboring God uses us in the midst neighborhood crises, and we have the opportunity to speak powerfully into the life of a community that you can never do during a Sunday worship service. When we 'stick with it' we see people slowly 'getting on board' and we see fruit. Action for the Next 24 Hours Go for a walk, and look for a divine appointment. George's Final Bit of Gospel Neighboring Wisdom "There is not a city population that will not rapidly degenerate under the regiment of well-served pulpits and ill-served parishes." - Thomas Chalmers George's Favorite Gospel Neighboring Resources The Hidden Art of Homemarking by Edith Schaeffer Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood by George Macdonald The Seaboard Parish by George Macdonald The Vicar by Winthrop Mackworth Praed Everyday Theology by Kevin Vanhoozer Heirs of the Covenant by Susan Hunt Connect with George Blog Twitter Facebook