CommanderCast #25 – Season 2 Episode 12 – The People’s Episode

CommanderCast – MTGCast show

Summary: The long-promised CommanderCast call-in episode is here! Following a super Free-For-All-Roundtable format, Andy and Carlos host eight CommanderCast listeners, each bringing their own topic and thoughts to the show. Each subject runs ten minutes. You'll hear a gauntlet of discussion running from pinpoint land destruction to white-border only decks. Be advised, this isn't a typical CommanderCast episode; the format and structure are different. It's a Commander discussion, it's a community forum, and it's totally awesome. Next time hopefully you can join us!If you want to see the expanded show notes, articles, videos, or a really badly-designed website, check out Host(s):  Andy, Byron, Adam, Jeremiah, Donovan, Carlos Show's Email: