Feeding Your Demons Meditation

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World show

Summary: In this special edition of the podcast we have an excerpt from an interview done by the Mindrolling Podcast with Lama Tsultrim Allione. In the course of the interview (which was fascinating) she did a meditation on Feeding Your Demons -- demons defined as anything that is taking your energy at the moment. I found it to be very powerful, and thought you all might also benefit. I'd like to thank David Silver & Raghu Marcus of Mindrolling for very kindly making a cut of the meditation for New World Kirtan listeners, and I'm also happy for the opportunity to feature their podcast -- I never miss it, and there are many episodes that may be of interest to you also -- interviews with Krishna Das, David Nichtern and one done that was especially poignant -- Shyamdas, recorded last November before he went back to India. Coming up next is a Feel Good set -- we all need it after the past several weeks don't you think? I'll be back with that soon. Namaste dear friends.